For my content analysis on Super Bowl televisual advertisements, I plan on using both quantitative and qualitative methods. For my quantitative analysis, I will record the number of times that POC are present in these advertisements, their clothing, portrayal, and role in the advertisements, among other data points. The same data points will be recorded for white people in the advertisements for the sake of comparison. Specifically, I will be looking to understand whether social justice issues around racism are more present in the 2021and 2022 Super Bowl advertisements than in ads for the 2019 and 2020 Super Bowl. As for qualitative analysis, I plan on recording what POC are doing in the advertisements in addition to emotions displayed and their relation of power to white people, among other data points. Again, the same analysis will be conducted for the white characters in the advertisements for comparison of the data. 

The sampling method that I will be employing in my research is probability sampling, more specifically, simple random sampling. This was determined to be the sampling method best suited to my research due to the wide availability of Super Bowl advertisements. The sampling frame that I will be using is Super Bowl advertisements that aired during the 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2021 Super Bowl games. I aim to analyze whether companies adapted their marketing strategies in 2021 and 2022 to reflect or comment on the anti-racist protests of 2020.