
For my analysis, I conducted basic content analysis by observing USA Today articles from 1997-2001, before the Rooney Rule was implemented and 2003-2007, after the rule was implemented. By doing this, I was able to see the difference the rule has made on the hiring process for teams when determining what candidates they should interview. I saw a difference in the way minority coaches were represented and how they felt.

I used both a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches for coding. In my quantitative analysis I counted the amount of times certain terms were used before the rule and after. In doing this, I got a better sense of how much attention and representation minority coaches received in the media. In my qualitative analysis I analyzed different quotes revolving around minority coaches and if they are talked about in a different way, pre and post Rooney Rule.

I also connected certain themes that are present both before and after the implementation of the Rooney Rule.