My name is Jess Campana, and I am currently a senior at Gettysburg College. I am a Sociology Major with a Writing Minor. I will be graduating in May 2023. During my time spent at Gettysburg, I was a member of the Gettysburg Softball team and a member of Chi Omega Fraternity – Tau Delta Chapter.

            My short-term career goals after graduating consist of attending the police academy this upcoming September of 2023 with a planned graduation date of February 2024. Through this endeavor, I will hope to earn a full-time position as a municipal police officer within the next year or two. Once I secure a full-time position, I plan on serving to aid the community and plan on serving until I retire. In the long term, I hope to gain rank throughout the years while serving and potentially join a special team such as K9, SWAT, and CSI along with other avenues to explore law enforcement.