Agenda Setting

The theoretical framework that will be used in this study is agenda-setting. Agenda-Setting is a basic notion in journalism or mass media which contends that news media coverage of a certain subject helps direct public discourse. Effectively setting the agenda, the media then draws public attention to such topics through consistent news coverage. While being credited with first explicitly establishing the agenda-setting theory, McCombs and Shaw were not the first to recognize how the media affects public attention (Fortunato and Martin 2016). Political advertisements, campaigns, and news outlets all employ agenda-setting theory.

Gatekeeping is the key idea behind the theory. Agenda-setting follows the ideology that the choice of material that is addressed in the media is under the direction and control of gatekeeping. Second, it is presumable that the public is primarily interested in the results of media gatekeeping. Finally, the theory covers the idea that the principal gatekeepers of media are editors.