Data sources

Far Left

News Source & authorData point titleURL 
CNN (online news)
Karimi, 2021
What Critical Race Theory is – and isn’t
Ellis, 2021
Critical race theory has become a social and political lightning rod. This is how we got here
3: McLaughin, 2021Critical race theory is a lens. Here are 11 ways looking through it might refine your understanding of history 
Valencia & Gordon, 2022
A look inside Mississippi’s only critical race theory class and an unlikely ally 
Razek, 2022
Oklahoma governor calls for public schools audit for potential mishandling of public funds and teaching CRT 
New York Times (Opinion)
Kang, 2021
Can We Talk About Critical Race Theory? 
Columnist, 2022
What Americans Really Think About ‘Critical Race Theory’ 
Warren, 2021
Is America Willing to Tell the Truth About Its History? 
Blow, 2021
White Racial Anxiety Strikes Again 
Kang, 2021
Everything You Think You Know About the Suburbs Is Wrong 


Associated Press
Anderson, 2021
EXPLAINER: So much buzz, but what is critical race theory?
Anderson, 2021
EXPLAINER: So much buzz, but what is critical race theory? 
Farrington, 2021
DeSantis: Critical race theory is “crap,” vows to fight it 
Barakat & Rankin, 2022
Youngkin looks to root out critical race theory in Virginia 
Missouri bill would ban critical race theory in schools 
The Guardian
Smith, 2021
How did Republicans turn critical race theory into a winning electoral issue? 
Donegan, 2021
What the moral panic about ‘critical race theory’ is about 
Laughland, 2022
Florida rejects 54 math textbooks over ‘prohibited topics’ including critical race theory 
Lawrence, 2022
Our job is to present the truth’: the Texas principal caught in a ‘critical race theory’ firestorm 
Laughland, 2022
Glenn Youngkin attempts to ban critical race theory on day one as Virginia governor 


Borter, 2021
Explainer: What ‘critical race theory’ means and why it’s igniting debate 
Borter, 2021
Critical race theory’ roils a Tennessee school district
Sloan, 2022
UCLA Law project catalogs hundreds of anti-critical race theory measures
Law school association: Banning critical race theory is censorship
Kahn, 2021
Many Americans embrace falsehoods about critical race theory 
Harper, 2022
Your Company’s DEI Training Isn’t Critical Race Theory, No Need To Ban It 
Redstone, 2021
A Straightforward Primer On Critical Race Theory (and Why It Matters) 
Greene, 2022
Teacher Anti-CRT Bills Coast To Coast: A State By State Guide 
Raikes, 2021
Bad For Business: How ‘Critical Race Theory’ Bans Are Limiting American Progress 
Hoskin, 2022
Why Won’t White Conservatives Admit That Their Issue Isn’t Critical Race Theory? 
Washington Times
Qualls, 2022
‘Wicked’ critical race theory 
Sailor & Kissel, 2021
Critical race theory fight is generational 
Jackson, 2021
Critical race theory undermines religious faith
Piper, 2022
Critical race theory is the opposite of Christianity
Salai, 2021
GOP state lawmakers file 56 bills to ban critical race theory 
Wall Street Journal (opinion)
Bosshardt, 2022
Critical Race Theory Is Bad Medicine 
Galston, 2021
A Deeper Look at Critical Race Theory 
Moore, 2021
Critical Race Theory From the Right Is Wrong 
Peterson, 2022
Schools Teach CRT in the Open, Then Deny It 
Future view, 2021
How Students Experience Critical Race Theory 

Far Right

National Review
Copland, 2021
How to Rein in Critical Race Theory 
Buck, 2022
Where Critical Race Theory Comes From 
Smith, 2021
Thomas Sowell vs. Critical Race Theory 
Kurtz, 2022
Bill to Federalize CRT Must Be Stopped 
Important Reading on the Critical Race Theory in Schools Debate
The Federalist
Lindquist, 2021
Los Angeles Public Schools Host Critical Race Theorist To ‘Challenge Whiteness’ While Saying They Aren’t Teaching Critical Race Theory 
Cartwright, 2022
Why Violence Is An Inevitable Outcome Of Critical Race Theory 
Purnell, 2021
Yes, Terry McAuliffe, Critical Race Theory Is In Virginia Schools 
Morabito, 2020
Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic 
Justice, 2022
Will A Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Be A Legacy Of Critical Race Theory? 


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