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Theoretical Framework

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Literature Review

CDC Reports on June 23rd, 2021 on Side Effect of Myocarditis

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COVID-19 Vaccine Resistance:Conspiracy

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COVID-19 Vaccine Resistance: Side Effects

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Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation

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Reliance on Social Media

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Results and Discussion

Shift from anti-coercion to anti-authority

Mike Yardley (@YardleyShooting), 2021 “I am not anti-vax but I am very definitely anti forced vaccination or indiscriminate vaccination.” Twitter, June 1.

AMABLACKPATRIOT (@DrShayPhD), 2021. “I am not anti-vax. It is just that no one will convince me that a vaccine produced in one year flat, that takes years to produce, whether the FDA approves it or not, is good for me. My body, my choice!”. Twitter, May 17.

GBNEWS (@GBNEWS), 2021. “’They aren’t going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money’” Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology researcher found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine.”. Twitter, Nov 25.

Hodgkin, Rosa. 2021. “Vaccine mandates”. Institute for Government. Retrieved May 1, 2024 (

Sigalos, MacKenzie. 2020. “You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either”. CNBC. Retrieved Apr. 4, 2024 (

Not Your Mom (@Notyour28981739). 2021. “If you still think the govt. is looking out for your best interests, then why did they make a law to protect the vaccine makers from injury, but not you?”. Twitter, Aug 8.

abi dickson (@abidickson01). 2021. “I’m not anti vaccine but I seriously think as humans we deserve the freedom to make our own choices. Implementing vaccine passports etc to go & live ur life properly is bs”. Twitter, Jul 20.

Not anti-vax but anti-covid vax

Lexham (@Lexham_1). 2021. “Considering over the last 50 years, I have perfectly happily had many vaccinations (Tetanus, Mumps, Measles, Yellow Fever, Polio, Hepatitis, a few seasonal influenza jabs etc..) how exactly does my refusal to have ‘this’ vaccine suddenly make me…. ‘Anti-vax’?”. Twitter, Mar 21.

Sam Sorbo (@thesamsorbo). 2021. “Not wanting to get the Covid vaccine does not make you “Anti-vax.”. Twitter, May 25.

Zuby (@ZubyMusic). 2021. “I’m not ‘anti-vax’. I’ve taken several vaccines before.I’m pro information and anti medical coercion. Big difference.”. Twitter, Jul 27.

Aﻥréliane (@aurelianeb) 2021. “Some of your commentators are scary af. I’m happy to see that even if you’re anti-vax you keep your senses!”. Twitter, Jul 27.

Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) 2021. “‘I get messages supporting or attacking me for my “anti-vaccine stance.”’I am pro-vaccines and personally vaccinated, but against any discrimination of the unvaccinated. Vaccine mandates and passports are unscientific and immoral, reminding us of the darkest periods in history.” Twitter, Dec 7.

Feels like an experiment: From unknown risk to undisclosed risk

Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) 2021 “After several big pharma shills called me “anti-vax” and “conspiracy theorist” today, let me get one thing straight: I’m not anti-vax. I’m vaccinated against several diseases. However, experimental vaccines should be 100% voluntary and not be injected into children – period!”. Twitter, May 13.

James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) 2021. “BREAKING: @Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform’s New Policy ‘”I Share Some Caution on this [Vaccine] Because We Just Don’t Know the Long-Term Side Effects of Basically Modifying People’s DNA and RNA”’ Twitter, Feb 16.

Progressive International (@ProgIntl) 2021. “BREAKING: 2.5 million nurses from 28 countries have filed for a UN investigation of human rights violations by the EU, UK, Switzerland, Norway, and Singapore for blocking the waiver on Covid-19 vaccine patents as new strains proliferate:” Twitter, Nov 29.

Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) 2021. “BREAKING: FDA advisory board elected NOT to approve Covid boosters. In a meeting that was streamed live, Jessica Rose an FDA advisory scientist, sited the explosive number of injuries & deaths reported compared to previous vaccines in the Vaers as reason to pause on boosters.” Twitter, Sep 18.

Rep. Paul Gosar (@RepGosar) 2021. “Project Veritas has uncovered serious fraud with at least one hospital in Arizona not reporting vaccine injuries. I’ve got something to say about it”. Twitter, Sep 23.

Increase in discussion of vaccine injury

Michael (@HegKong) 2021. “There can be no talk of a ‘moral obligation’ to vaccinate, as long as vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liabilities for vaccine injuries or death.” Twitter, May 19.

Aaron Siri (@AaronSiriSG) 2021. “FDA asks federal judge to grant it until the year 2076 to fully release Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine data. So, the gov’t mandates Pfizer’s product, grants it immunity for injuries, and wants to hide its safety data for 55 years. Who does the gov’t work for?”. Twitter, Nov 17.

Tanya Klymenko (@Taka_tut) 2021. “1/3 I am seriously disturbed by the censoring of the vaccine injury stories & data. We accept that Covid vaccines are leaky. We accept that vaccine immunity wanes within months. When are we going to accept that the Covid vaccine injuries are real and not so “incredibly rare”?. Twitter, Nov 14.

Christopher Tabet (@Christo6228503) 2021. “I was diagnosed with myocarditis from the Pfizer vaccine. I’m 30 years old and healthy. There should be awareness raised for people with vaccine injuries.This is important data. I’m pro-vax for those who want it, and I’m anti-vax for people who don’t. Mandatory Vax is a mistake.” Twitter, Oct 30.



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