A significant reason for COVID-19 vaccine resistance was concern over the possible side effects of the vaccine. Worry surrounding side-effects is one of the top concerns causing vaccine hesitancy (Skafle et al. 2022). Additionally a large portion of those who are hesitant towards the vaccine attribute this hesitancy to vaccine safety. Research conducted in Australia found that exactly 24% of participants were hesitant towards the vaccine and of this proportion of participants, 89% were worried about vaccine safety (Ngai, Singh and Yao 2022). In many countries this seems to be the main conflict that keeps those hesitant towards the vaccine from receiving it (Ngai, Singh and Yao 2022).

COVID-19 immunizations begin By Province of British Columbia. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

However the spread of misinformation leading to a large amount of concern from many is not new to the world of vaccines. The subject of vaccination frequently falls victim to misinformation, especially in the case of newer vaccine safety and its side effects which is considered the top cause of vaccine hesitancy (Ngai, Singh and Yao 2022).

UK Emergency Medical Team paediatric nurse Becky Platt pictured wearing protective equipment in a specially constructed diphtheria treatment clinic in the Kutapalong refugee camp By DFID – UK Department for International Development. CC BY 2.0.