In general, it was noticed that many different tweets indicated twitter users’ reason for resistance to the covid vaccine being that they feel like the vaccine is an experiment. In regard to the first set of data collected from January 1st, 2021, to June 22nd, 2021, 16.67% of the tweets mentioned that there was not enough information about the covid vaccine to warrant them getting vaccinated.

Some twitter users mentioned they felt the vaccine was experimental directly ““After several big pharma shills called me “anti-vax” and “conspiracy theorist” today, let me get one thing straight: I’m not anti-vax. I’m vaccinated against several diseases. However, experimental vaccines should be 100% voluntary and not be injected into children – period! 🙏🏻” (@goddeketal 2021). The twitter user indicated that the covid vaccine was not researched enough, as though the unknown information about the vaccine made it unjust to not be optional to get.

. One tweet reported on Mark Zuckerberg’s take on the vaccine at the time “I Share Some Caution on this [Vaccine] Because We Just Don’t Know the Long-Term Side Effects of Basically Modifying People’s DNA and RNA” (@JamesOKeefeIII 2021).

On the other hand, among the tweets it was coded for, the second data set was gathered from June 23rd, 2021, to December 31st, 2021. The second data sample consisted of 29.09% of tweets mentioning the lack of disclosure of information on the covid vaccine. Some tweets mention a claimed lack of disclosure of information of the vaccine “BREAKING: 2.5 million nurses from 28 countries have filed for a UN investigation of human rights violations by the EU, UK, Switzerland, Norway, and Singapore for / blocking the waiver on Covid-19 vaccine patents/ as new strains proliferate:”  (@ProgIntl 2021). The twitter user claimed that nurses were concerned about the contents of the waiver on the covid vaccines being blocked.

 Disagreement with the on the vaccine was conveyed by @TheRightMelissa 2021“BREAKING: FDA advisory board elected NOT to approve Covid boosters. In a meeting that was streamed live, Jessica Rose an FDA advisory scientist, sited the explosive number of injuries & deaths reported compared to previous vaccines in the Vaers as reason to pause on boosters.” (@TheRightMelissa 2021). Tweets surrounding the claimed lack of disclosure of covid vaccine side effects and risks seemed to proliferate after the FDA warnings regarding a potential of Myocarditis as a side effect of the covid vaccine.

In a video clip, Rep. Paul Gosar discussed undisclosed vaccine injuries, “Project Veritas has uncovered serious fraud with at least one hospital in Arizona not reporting vaccine injuries. I’ve got something to say about it.”. In the clip attached Rep. Paul Gosar stated the Phoenix Indian Medical Center was “”Admitting that they do not report side effects, injuries and illnesses caused by the covid vaccine”” and goes on to say ““I’m not anti-vaccine, I am pro-patient choices and informed consent, and I am pro-truth and transparency””. Additionally, he notes that “The American public is not protected by health care providers deliberately lying or withholding evidence they don’t like” (@RepGossar 2021). The resistance caused by the lack of information progressed into resistance linked to a lack of disclosure of information.