Before the official CDC announcement of Myocarditis as a side effect of the covid vaccine, the first data sample from January 1st, 2021, to June 22nd, 2021, did not reflect much of a discussion of vaccine injuries. The twitter sample data displayed around 7.4% of the tweets discussing vaccine injuries.

The issue of vaccine manufacturers not being held liable seemed to bother many people who wrote of their resistance to the covid vaccine, “There can be no talk of a ‘moral obligation’ to vaccinate, as long as vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liabilities for vaccine injuries or death.” (@HegKong 2021). Although there was a lot of discussion of vaccine injuries, it was a small part of the conversation surrounding the covid vaccination on twitter.

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“There can be no talk of a ‘moral obligation’ to vaccinate, as long as vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liabilities for vaccine injuries or death.” Michael (@HegKong). Twitter.

The perceived lack of disclosure of information on injuries increased the use of the word injury in tweets. The twitter data reflected vaccine injuries beginning to become a bigger part of the discussion among those resisting the covid vaccine in fact 16.36% of tweets used the word injury in their tweets expressing vaccine resistance.

Suspicions about vaccine injury information not being released appeared to grow “FDA asks federal judge to grant it until the year 2076 to fully release Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine data. So, the gov’t mandates Pfizer’s product, grants it immunity for injuries, and wants to hide its safety data for 55 years. Who does the gov’t work for?” (@AaronSiriSG 2021).

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“FDA asks federal judge to grant it until the year 2076 to fully release Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine data.” Aaron Siri (@AaronSiriSG). Twitter.

Vaccine manufacturers apparently not being held liable were very concerning to those hesitant about or resistant to receive the covid vaccine. Some twitter users felt society was failing to accept covid vaccine injuries: “1/3 I am seriously disturbed by the censoring of the vaccine injury stories & data. We accept that Covid vaccines are leaky. We accept that vaccine immunity wanes within months. When are we going to accept that the Covid vaccine injuries are real and not so “incredibly rare”? (@Taka_tut 2021).

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“1/3 I am seriously disturbed by the censoring of the vaccine injury stories & data.” Tanya Klymenko (@Taka_tut). Twitter.

Other twitter users spoke of their own experiences with vaccine injuries: “I was diagnosed with myocarditis from the Pfizer vaccine. I’m 30 years old and healthy. There should be awareness raised for people with vaccine injuries. This is important data. I’m pro-vax for those who want it, and I’m anti-vax for people who don’t. Mandatory Vax is a mistake.” (@Christo62228503 2021). Overall, twitter users discussing vaccine injuries as reason for resisting the covid vaccine seemed to intend to build awareness of the possibility of vaccine injury to others.

“I was diagnosed with myocarditis from the Pfizer vaccine. I’m 30 years old and healthy. “ Christopher Tabet (@Christo62228503). Twitter.