One pattern found among both datasets was that many twitter users who expressed their resistance towards the covid vaccine claimed that they were not anti-vaccine. In the case of the first data set including tweets, the mention of not being anti-vaccine while expressing resistance towards the covid vaccine appeared in 11.11% of the tweets.

I found that twitter users mentioned the fact that they have received other vaccines in the past, “Considering over the last 50 years, I have perfectly happily had many vaccinations (Tetanus, Mumps, Measles, Yellow Fever, Polio, Hepatitis, a few seasonal influenza jabs etc..) how exactly does my refusal to have ‘this’ vaccine suddenly make me…. ‘Anti-vax’?” (@Lexham_1 2021). Jabs being commonly used in the United Kingdom to refer to vaccines.

Credit: “Considering over the last 50 years, I have perfectly happily had many vaccinations (Tetanus, Mumps, Measles, Yellow Fever, Polio, Hepatitis, a few seasonal influenza jabs etc..) how exactly does my refusal to have ‘this’ vaccine suddenly make me…. ‘anti-vax’?” Lexham (@Lexham_1). Twitter.

Despite participating in the discussion about the covid vaccine by contributing their feelings of resistance, twitter users made it clear that they did not want to be called anti-vax: “Not wanting to get the Covid vaccine does not make you “Anti-vax.” (@thesamsorbo 2021). Twitter users in the first data sample implied a feeling of needing to announce that they are not anti-vaccine, while still expressing resistance to the covid vaccine.

Credit: “Not wanting to get the Covid vaccine does not make you “Anti-vax.”” SamSorbo (@thesamsorbo). Twitter.

In the second data set it was observed that many tweets carried on this theme, although twitter users expressed their resistance toward the covid vaccine they also expressed their resistance towards being labeled anti-vax. In the first data set of tweets collected 21.81% of the tweets in this sample.

Twitter users in this sample seemed to feel the need to mention they are not anti-vax: “I’m not ‘anti-vax’. I’ve taken several vaccines before. I’m pro information and anti-medical coercion. Big difference.” (@ZubyMusic 2021) which was in response to @aurelianb’s tweet “Some of your commentators are scary af. I’m happy to see that even if you’re anti-vax you keep your senses!” (@aurelianeb 2021). The twitter user felt it was necessary to mention that he has taken multiple vaccines before, much like other users who pointed out that they are refusing this vaccine for their own reasons.

Top Tweet Credit:“I’m not ‘anti-vax’. I’ve taken several vaccines before.” ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic ). Twitter.

Bottom Tweet Credit: “Some of your commentators are scary af.” Aﻥréliane (@aurelianeb ). Twitter.

Twitter users tried to stop others’ criticism for being anti-vax when they felt this was not the case “I get messages supporting or attacking me for my ‘”anti-vaccine stance.”’ I am pro-vaccines and personally vaccinated, but against any discrimination of the unvaccinated. Vaccine mandates and passports are unscientific and immoral, reminding us of the darkest periods in history.” (@DrEliDavid 2021).

Credit: “I get messages supporting or attacking me for my “anti-vaccine stance.”” Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid ). Twitter.

 In this data sample the amount of twitter users clarifying the fact that they were not anti-vaccine but anti-covid vaccine nearly doubled, which could have been due to the rumors of mandates being imposed since, the passport was required to step into public spaces in New York City in the summer of 2021, although this only lasted a couple of months (Liao, Herz & Held 2022).