In my experience coding the first data sample of tweets from January 1st of 2021 to June 22nd of 2021, it was found that many twitter users felt at this time anger at feeling forced to get vaccinated. Some twitter users indicated that they did not want to feel like there was pressure to get the vaccine; when coding I found that 5.5% of the tweets in this sample used the words coercion, forced or mandatory/ mandates when discussing the vaccine in a negative way. Twitter users felt that the pressure put on them to get vaccinated was not right “I am not anti-vax, but I am very definitely anti forced vaccination or indiscriminate vaccination.” (@YardleyShooting 2021).

A few users mentioned feeling that the freedom to make such a choice was being challenged by these pressures, in fact 3.7% of tweets in the sample discussed feeling a lack of choice when it came to the decision to vaccinate. Vaccine resistance on twitter displayed people indicating feeling they were being pressured ““I am not anti-vax. It is just that no one will convince me that a vaccine produced in one year flat, that takes years to produce, whether the FDA approves it or not, is good for me. My body, my choice!” (@DrShayPhD 2021). The tweet implies the user feeling as though others were trying to persuade them to get the vaccine.

However, in the second data sample of tweets from June 23rd of 2021 to December 31st of 2021 twitter users who expressed resistance to the vaccine expressed more resentment towards the government. In fact, 10.9% of tweets in the data sample mentioned the word coercion, forced or mandatory/ mandates when discussing the vaccine in a negative way.

During the second sample many of these tweets seemed to mention the government. British news network, GB News, tweeted a clip with Dr. Maholtra, a controversial British cardiologist, discussing an increase in heart attack risk as a side effect of the vaccine “Put an end to the mandates, because I think if this signal is strong and if it’s correct, then history will not be on their side and the public will not forgive them for it” (@GBNEWS 2021). Dr. Maholtra is referencing the British government enacting vaccine mandates, and warning that this may lead to resentment toward the British government (@GBNEWS 2021). In November 2021 the British government required home care workers to receive two doses of the Covid vaccine, which was revoked in March of 2022, although there were no federal mandates (Hodgkin 2021).

The CDC published the research showing Myocarditis as a side effect, and immunity was granted by the government to vaccine manufacturers for any liability for side effects was wrong (Sigalos 2020). One twitter user noted his resentment toward the government for this decision, “If you still think the govt. is looking out for your best interests, then why did they make a law to protect the vaccine makers from injury, but not you?” (@Notyour28981739 2021).

When it came to twitter users suggesting their freedom is being limited, rumors of mandates could be linked to increased twitter users’ expression of this feeling as 27% of the data sample mentioned limitation of their freedom. Vaccine passports were required to go to bars, gyms and other public places in New York City in the summer of 2021, although New York City’s requirement only lasted 6 months (Liao, Herz & Held 2022). Twitter users expressed frustration with the rumored vaccine mandate in regard to their own feeling of freedom, “I’m not anti-vaccine but I seriously think as humans we deserve the freedom to make our own choices. Implementing vaccine passports etc to go & live ur life properly is bs”  (@abidickson01 2021). Twitter users’ frustration with the coercion of the vaccines was directed more towards the government.