George Gerbner’s theory states that frequent television users are more likely to view the world from a perspective which aligns with messages on television (Gerbner et al. 1986). During this time the one of the main media sources was television, while today television is joined by social media with a global average of 145 minutes a day in the year 2021 (Dixon 2024). Television develops from childhood on the inclinations and preferences which were once received from other primary sources (Gerbner et al. 1986: 18). Gerbner’s theory could be applied to social media today, as our tastes, beliefs, values and outlooks can be highly impacted by social media from an early age. Echo chambers are essentially a space in which a person only comes across views or information which mirror or support that of their own (GCF Global). In the case of  echo chambers which are developed through social media algorithms continue the growth of social media’s impact on these perspectives. While “compared to other media, television provides a relatively restricted set of choices for a virtually unrestricted variety of interest and publics” (Gerbner et al. 1986: 19) which is a similar case with social media. The strong algorithms controlling social media feeds limits users to media which appeals to them. Gerbner suggests that the content of television builds and primates prolonged attention. Television ends up controlling sources of information and prolonged exposures to messages on it could likely develop, restate, support and validate their perspectives and beliefs (Gerbner et al. 1986: 23-24). Media outlets can not only play a part in forming our perspectives but they can also maintain them through consistent validation.

Media consumption in the train By Sebastiaan ter Burg. CC BY 2.0

In terms of the dangers of the spread of this disinformation regarding covid conspiracy theories, Foccault’s discourse analysis is another theory to be considered. Discourse is simply written or verbalized communication during conversation or disagreement. Foucault says that part of the theory is that the creation of discourse is administered with the goal of expelling its influence  and dangers (Seidman 2017:178). The rhetoric written or spoken within spaces such as online platforms holds more weight than simply words within a post, these words hold meaning behind them and can influence the minds of others and potentially mislead them with false knowledge. Foccualt believed that language and discourse are drivers of knowledge and history (Seidman 2017: 178). The language which is used in topical debates can have the power to change the way people in the future and those around us see the world today. 

State of the Nation Address speech debate By GovernmentZA. CC BY-ND 2.0