My final research question for this senior seminar project is the following:

What is the effect of gender stereotypes on portrayals of men and women in alcohol commercials aired during the Super Bowl from 1990-2023?

In my study, the independent variable is the gender stereotypes seen within these commercials such as how each gender is shown and/or expected to act within the given alcohol advertisement. The dependent variable is the portrayal of these men and women within the commercials. Stereotype and portrayal can be found defined in the sociological context in the introduction portion of the writing. There are many different subtle gender stereotypes at work, such as women wanting a lighter drink, such as an alcoholic seltzer, in comparison to a man wanting an “ice cold beer”, as well as the sexualization of women within these commercials. Other stereotypes very possibly may arise. These alcohol commercials may very possibly display women as the caregivers, for example bringing a man his beer or beverage and as sexual figures.

I planned to assess these gendered stereotypes mentioned and others that may arise in these twenty five Super Bowl alcohol commercials and look for changes over time in the portrayal of men and women within commercials between 1990 and 2023. By portrayal, I hoped to be able to uncover the perception of these men and women within the commercials by looking at setting, clothing, behavior and language.