In the data collection process, I first started by gathering twenty five examples of alcohol featured Super Bowl commercials within the timeframe of 1990-2023. Ranging through the twenty five collected commercials within the sample time frame, the goal is to evenly distribute by year the selected commercials for analysis and comparison. This way I could best see stereotypes and representations comparing the past and present.

By conducting a basic content analysis of the twenty five commercial samples that are collected. Utilizing a basic content analysis allows me to take note of recurring themes, stereotypes and certain portrayals amongst both men and women seen in the commercials. Using a qualitative approach also allows me to gain insight on the portrayals of both men and women in the sampled Super Bowl commercials. An interpretive content analysis is appropriate in this case because there is a hope to be able to describe patterns and themes within the sample count of twenty five. By utilizing an interpretive content analysis, I am able to set up and establish any major or recurring themes that are present throughout the commercials within the time frame and compare them to gender stereotypes in our world. A reading by Drisko and Maschi (2015), interpretive content analysis is defined as a “set of techniques for the systematic analysis of texts of many kinds addressing not only manifest content but also the themes and core ideas found in texts as primary content,” (2). This line of work benefits me greatly in identifying themes and portrayals found within the commercials.