While completing my quantitative coding, I watched and analyzed all twenty five of my media sources (commercials), by looking for twenty eight different codes. I counted each time I saw a different code in each commercial and plugged that number into my spreadsheet accordingly. I found several recurring themes. Multiple people were often featured in each commercial; when females were featured, it was often in a sexual manner or they were being sexualized, and sports were often a main subject. I also noticed that in the alcohol commercials, many males were often used for beer advertisements and females were usually featured with alcohol seltzer or wine products.

Continuing with the discussion of quantitative coding, I moved forward coding with a set of narrowed down codes that I felt were the best fit to portray themes within the research. I rewatched all twenty five of my media sources and continued to narrow down the amount of codes being analyzed. For my qualitative coding, I looked for seven separate codings within my media. The seven codes were sexualization, bathing suit attire, stereotype, masculinity, sports, beer and seltzer products. While analyzing, I tallied each instance where these codes were present within the commercial and identified how it was applicable to my work. The qualitative analysis supported these findings.