Within the next year or so, I plan to have a full-time job with a government agency. So far I have applied to The Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Agency, the Federal Air Marshals, and the Drug Enforcement Agency. I applied to their Special Agent Positions. I recently heard back from the ATF and was invited to take a general assessment test with them. If all goes well, I plan to graduate college and attend Special Agent training by the end of 2023. By the time I am 24, I would like to have my own apartment or house. 

Within the next 10 or so years, I would like to be in a comfortable position in my job where I can apply for promotions for greater pay to help pay off my student debt. I would also like to be living closer to Washington DC to work at Headquarters for a government agency. 

Secret Service agents stand guard by Chuck Patch CC BY-SA 2.0