Short Term Goals  

In the short term I have three major goals that I would like to achieve. The first major goal I would like to achieve would get my foot in the door somewhere that will allow me to make enough money to feel financially secure. I feel like this is the most important goal as it will serve as the foundation of a career after graduation. The second goal I would like to achieve is to begin to save up as much money as possible in between the time I graduate and the time when my grace period ends to begin paying my college debt. This will be important as I have a long-term goal to pay off my college debt early, and to do this I will need to save as much money as possible. The final goal I have in the short term is to find a job where I can work from home. I hate leaving the house for extended periods of time, as I have been engaging with this while pursuing my education for most of my life, so I really would like my own personal change. I also really value flexibility, and remote work is one of the foundational pieces to achieving a manner of flexibility.  

Long Term Goals  

There are also three long term goals that I would like to set for myself to achieve. The first long term goal I have is to pay off my college debt in a timely manner. This is one of the most important goals as this too is a foundation for living the life that I want to. If I would like to be able to build a house, buy a car, or anything of that nature, I will need good credit and part of building credit is not having an outstanding loan hanging over my head. The second goal I would like to achieve is to find a work situation in the future that provides the perfect work-life balance. My parents did not have the opportunity to do this, and this led to time missed with my parents that I cannot buy back, so I do not want to have that same strain hanging over my children. The final goal I would like to achieve is to retire with a lot of capital in my retirement portfolios, as when I retire, I do not plan on ever working again. When I have officially finished paying my dues, I would like it to stay that way.