The third and final theme I developed from my content analysis is the trend of parallel equality. There were distinct trends that did show differences in representation based upon the racial identity of the quarterbacks, but there were also similarities in the way these quarterbacks have been represented, which is encouraging. One of the similarities I saw was how much screen time the Black and white quarterbacks were receiving. The tone of the talking points of the quarterbacks and reactions to the talking points by the media were similar. Quarterbacks of different racial identities were respected and disrespected by the media a similar number of times. The quarterbacks were represented by similar amounts of men and women analysts. The different quarterbacks received similar amounts of representation from former players. The two groups of quarterbacks both had 3 shared segments as opposed to individual segments about themselves. Both groups of quarterbacks were also spoken about regarding their physical ability and intelligence.  

The first two images I would like to speak about are segments on Kirk Cousins and Deshaun Watson. In each of these segments on these quarterbacks, what I noticed is women’s representation in these segments. In both images women are at the analyst table, which was represented by the data with five women who covered Black quarterbacks, and four women who represented white quarterbacks. . It is also encouraging that there were not only women, but women of different racial identities. It is not only important that women were included in the representation of sports figures like these quarterbacks, but to include women in the representation of each racial identity these of quarterbacks. This allows for the possibility of balanced and equitable representation of these quarterbacks, as the representation can possibly become credible to the viewer who may potentially hold misogynistic views of women’s opinions in sports dominated by men. Both women speak in both segments, and both women make comments about these quarterbacks that are supportive, such as Cousins deserving to not be booed by fans, and Watson needed to be assumed innocent before being proved guilty. With balanced and equitable representation by women of these quarterbacks, these comments could be potentially presented by the media and consumed by the viewer with less bias involved, such as a woman’s view on sexual assault with Watson, and a woman’s view on Cousins negative treatment by fans.

Title: Do the Allegations Against Watson Impact His Trade Request?

Author: ESPN,


License: Unknown

Title: Why Cousins Would Relish Playing in Front of no Fans

Author: ESPN,


License: Unknown

The final two images are of segments based around Cousins and Lamar Jackson. Each of these players were represented by media figures who are former players in the NFL, such as Ryan Clark and Tom Jackson. This was representative of the data, as there were nine former players representing white quarterbacks and ten former players representing Black quarterbacks. This potentially means that these analysts were speaking from a pure football point of view rather than a racially biased point of view. In the segments, some bias that could have occurred when it comes to the racial identity of these quarterbacks included the stereotyping and negative back pedaling about Jackson’s (Lamar) athleticism by Jackson (Tom), as well as potential positive back pedaling occurring when Clark backs off his negative criticism of Cousins views on Covid-19. Instead of potential bias, this could all come from a football point of view, such as that Clark wants quarterbacks to be focused on by their peers from a football point of view only and Jackson (Tom) analyzing Jackson (Lamar) from his strengths and weaknesses as a quarterback only. 

Title: TJ: Lamar Jackson is the Most Athletic QB in NFL

Author: ESPN,


License: Unknown

Title: Clark Frustrated by Lack of Empathy in Cousins’ Coronavirus Comments

Author: ESPN,


License: Unknown

Trends and Patterns Table