Manifestations of The Dream

Manifestations of The Dream

The links above show the findings of each manifestation throughout the collection and analysis of data.

Luxurious cars like Mercedes Benz were highly evident among rap sons. The picture below serves as a symbol of wealth and high status. (Won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz? (France through my eyes) by Sheila Sund, Flickr. CC BY 2.0)

From previous studies that examine the definitions and perceptions of the American Dream, there have been notable patterns of shifts (Archer 2014; Bukowczyk 2016; Hanson and Zogby 2010; Musick and Wilson 1998; Newman 2016; Wolak and Peterson 2020). The differences are noted through symbols that are associated with the dream such as houses, cars, family, and money, but also through belief in the dream as it feels unattainable to some. The associations with the American Dream were evident in my sample of rap songs. The various themes that emerged were associated with the definition of the dream, attaining the dream, and celebration of the dream. 

The drawing below represents the influence representation has on youth. The rap songs touch on representation and the pressures associated with it. This drawing captures how leadership and representation are tied together to influence others, echoing the messages among rap artists.(Lead by Example (AI) by ClearMaxim, Deviant art.)