My name is Kathryn Graham, and I am currently a senior at Gettysburg College. I am a Sociology major and Education minor, graduating in May 2022. This site explores and analyzes my capstone research on the publics’ perception of YouTube influencers before, during, and after scandals that have led them to be canceled.

Career Goals

My short term professional goals are to hopefully spend the next year or two working and volunteering for a nonprofit organization at a school in underserved communities either in New York or Washington D.C. I really want to be able to teach for a few years but be able to do so while making a difference and impacting other people, so I have been looking for schools and nonprofits that allow me that opportunity. Following that year or two, I think I want to continue doing something along those lines, but getting more involved in the different organizations and becoming a mentor for new people that want to join. For the next few years those are my short term goals that I really hope to accomplish and hear back from soon to continue with the recruiting process for these opportunities. 

My long term professional goals are somewhat similar but also different. I think one of my main long term professional goals is to continue throughout my life to work for different nonprofit organizations and hopefully at some point be able to start my own, or become in charge of one. This is one thing that I have always known I have wanted to do in my life, so I want to make sure that it is something that I hold myself to. Another professional goal of mine that I am interested in is real estate, and architecture, being able to design and construct different homes. I have always been very invested in looking at different homes and the design and decorations that they have in them. For example, my parents have been thinking about moving and I have spent so much time just looking at different houses for fun to help them in their search. This is why I feel like in the long run, it is a professional goal of mine to work in real estate, interior design or architecture and look at different homes and design different homes.