Importance of the Research

For years now, public figures have been cancelled for various inappropriate behaviors that have been found objectionable. This is a phenomenon that changes these individuals lives forever. With the increasing rise in social media, it is important to conduct research on how this ideology on cancel culture stems from users and what they see as something that is worth being cancelled for. Along with that, in an attempt to recover their reputation, many influencers create apology statements, to show their remorse for their inappropriate actions, and it is truly up to the public to choose whether or not the apology was sincere. In looking into this, it is important not only for influencers to see what they have done wrong, but also what others have done wrong to avoid doing, and ways to reach the public when trying to come back from these things by discovering through research what they define as sincere and insincere. Along with that, this research is important because it can provide awareness to the world that people will not accept their wrong doings and hopefully lead to less mistakes by influencers and public figures in the future.

Credit: An explanation of ‘cancel culture’ and why it’s become such a popular phenomenon by Denver7- The Denver Channel. CC-BY 2.0.


The independent variable of study is the apology statements, which are the videos that the influencer posts on YouTube following a scandal, to address what they have done wrong. I will be specifically looking at the language that the influencer uses, whether it seems like they are taking accountability, and presenting a deeper meaning than just an apology. I will also look at specific words and phrases commonly used, and the thumbnail and title of the video. Lastly, looking at the attributes of the video such as emotions like behavior, facial expressions, physical appearance, setting, and the editing of the video.

The dependent variable of the study will be the public perceptions of YouTube influencers, meaning how the public takes the apology, whether they think it was genuine or not, and how that changes the way they view the influencer after what they have done. I will assess the written comments posted by commenters whether that is fans, followers, or the general public to YouTube videos. I will also look at the likes and dislikes, and subscriber analytics and endorsements if applicable information is available. Lastly, I am looking into the possibility of tracing comments to specific users and seeing how those comments have changed from before, after, and during the scandal and apology video. I will assess the ways in which the public depicts youtube influencers since the scandal has happened, examining if the reputation of the influencer has fluctuated in the eye of the public due to their misbehavior.