As mentioned, the amount of data was limited by the lack of films produced that included religious imagery in the years included in the scope of this research. This project was confined to the decades immediately before and after the Satanic Panic, though did not examine how the movies made during the Satanic Panic were reflecting, or shaping, the evolution of the moral panic. I recommend that this same line of analysis, looking into the content of films surrounding moral panics, be continued. Watching the films in full, although not feasible to do here due to time constraints, would provide more information, especially as a way to explore how theology might have played a part in the world building of the film. Additionally, religious horror is a steadfastly popular genre, with a few films looked at in this project having franchise installments added still. See the image below for the promotional poster of The First Omen, a prequel to The Omen (1976) that came out in April 2024. With moral panics and general societal change being never ending, it would be beneficial to replicate this project once again with. a more modern time period, through the lens of newer moral panics.

Promotional poster for The First Omen, Dir. Arkasha Stevenson