Facilities in both Republican and Democrat-led states attempted to create a sense of empathy through their websites. Many facilities attempted to create empathy through the use of an image of the facility that looked welcoming. Some facilities chose to call incarcerated individuals words that put the person, not the action first. Finally, the programming that facilities offer could be seen as being empathetic towards the backgrounds of many incarcerated individuals. 

Imagery and Empathy

22% of facilities in Democrat-led states with images had an image that was welcoming. Pondville had an image of their facility that did not show barbed wire or bars across the windows. The grass had been well maintained and the photo was taken on a sunny day. Stillwater’s image had similar characteristics but was also built on what appears to be a public road. 47.6% of facilities in Republican-led states had a welcoming image of their facility. Southern Desert had no barbed wire present in their image and had seating available outside the front doors. Beldose was painted a bright color and did not have the same intimidating feel as other facilities. Unwelcoming facilities like High Desert had facilities that were covered in barbed wire and included watch towers. 

The appearance of the facilities is important to being empathetic. Barbed wire, barred windows, and watch towers are all mechanisms that suggest distrust. These mechanisms protect the outside world from those inside the facility, suggesting they are bad or dangerous.  However, when the facilities were welcoming they created the impression that those in the facility are to be trusted. A welcoming façade creates the impression that the inside is also well taken care of and inviting. The impression of being warm and inviting suggests that the facility does not take extreme punitive measures, which is the opposite when barbed wire and watch towers are present. 

Below is the North Central Correctional Facility in Massachusetts. This facility does not create a sense of empathy as the image suggests mistrust and a need to separate those incarcerated from those who are not incarcerated.

Below is an image of the Pondville Correctional Facility in Massachusetts. Contrary to North Central, this facility appears to be more welcoming. There is no separation between the facility and the outside world which creates feelings of trust.

Language and Empathy

Another way that empathy was constructed by facilities was through the language that they used to describe the incarcerated individual. Facilities in Democrat-led states used humanizing language 16 times to describe incarcerated individuals while facilities in Republican-led states used humanizing language only 10 times. Facilities in Democrat-led states used terms like incarcerated individuals, men, their, individuals, adults in custody, and participants. Facilities in Republican-led states used incarcerated individuals and individuals. 

The use of language is important when creating empathy. Using language that places an emphasis on the fact that those who commit crimes are still an individual allows for them to be viewed as humans, and therefore capable of changing. Using language like offender and inmate suggests that those who commit crimes are nothing more than criminals. However, many times there are extenuating circumstances that lead someone to commit crimes. 

Another way that facilities can create a sense of empathy is through the programs they offer. Often, people who commit crimes lack access to various resources such as education, job training, and various treatments. Across all facilities in Democrat-led states, a total of 693 specific programs are mentioned. Across all facilities in Republican-led states, a total of 326 programs are mentioned. While these programs meet a wide range of needs, Democrat-led states offer more programs on average to incarcerated individuals than Republican-led states. This goes to suggest empathy as these are programs that hopefully improve the lives of incarcerated individuals. It is the facility showing that they understand there is a lack of access to support and their attempt to get individuals connected to the needed support.