This research project aimed to investigate how the use of rehabilitative language and practices differ among governors’ political affiliations. The websites of various correctional facilities were used to observe the language the facility used to describe incarcerated individuals, the programs offered, and the facility itself. The websites also provided information on what programs were offered, and in some cases what these programs entailed; and some facilities included images of the building or staff. These various components were analyzed through content analysis which allowed for manifest and latent content to be analyzed. Analyzing manifest content was important to understand what programs were being offered to those within the facility. Further, manifest content was useful in assessing how those outside of the facility were able to remain in contact with those who were incarcerated (visiting hours, public transportation, directions, etc.). Latent content was more important to the deeper understanding of these facilities. Latent content was useful in assessing how the facilities felt about programs, incarcerated individuals, and the larger purpose of prison. 

End Racial Profiling Feeder March by DC Protests. CC-BY-SA 2.0 Deed.

These observations suggest that despite what the literature says, Republican and Democratic states have different approaches to the prison system. The facilities in Republican-led states were more focused on the punitive aspects of prison. They offered little programming that offered the chance for rehabilitation. When programs were offered in facilities in Republican-led states, they seemed performative. There was little information about the program and the program listing seemed more supplemental to the information about the facility. The facilities in Democrat-led states were more focused on the individuals. Programs offered in facilities in Democrat-led states covered a wider range of needs than in facilities in Republican-led states. These programs were often more focused on providing the incarcerated individual with support like mental health treatment, substance abuse treatments, connections to family, and job preparation. On the websites of facilities in Democrat-led states, program listings were the central focus of the site with information about the facility serving as supplemental. 

Why do these differences exist?

Left vs Right: US Political Spectrum byMkandlez. CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED.

Limitations and Future Research

Understanding the inner workings of our justice system is incredibly important, therefore more research needs to be done. Future studies should find a better way to look at how politics affect the prison system. In this study, governors were selected as they are responsible for appointing the secretary of corrections who sets the standards for the correctional facilities in that state. However, the governor’s political affiliation does not necessarily dictate the political affiliation of the secretary of corrections. Further, these secretaries may remain in their position after a new governor is elected. Future research should spend more time researching the offered programs. The time frame of this project did not allow for a deep dive into many of the programs offered as many were uncommon within the sample. However, it is important that the programs are fully understood to best talk about them. Finally, future research should explore how these programs do or do not function in the facility. It is possible that facilities have websites that come across as genuine with supportive programs that are not being implemented within the facility. It is also important to speak more directly with those in these programs to explore whether or not these programs are truly rehabilitative. 

Future websites should do more than just content analysis. While this was helpful in understanding how correctional facilities present themselves, it does not show what is happening within the facilities. Interviews of both incarcerated individuals and facility staff would be a better way to evaluate what is truly happening beyond the websites. I would also suggest a form of observation however, I am not sure how feasible this would be.

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