
My name is Nikita Johnson and I am currently a senior who will be graduating Gettysburg College as a Sociology major in Spring of 2022.

Short Term Goals

Career Goals:

After graduation, I plan on moving to Washington, D.C. with my partner where I will be looking for a career that has plenty of growth opportunities. When thinking about what I would like to accomplish professionally right after graduation, I find that I would like to gain experience in an entry-level social work job such as crisis counseling or working in an outpatient setting before deciding to continue with my education.

Education Goals:

My current plan is to work for a few years in order to save up the money that I would need to get my Masters of Social Work from an accredited institution or to work somewhere that will support this plan to further my education through tuition assistance or a loan forgiveness program. Most of the jobs that I would be interested in for the long-term require a MSW and many other professional certifications and licenses.

Long-Term Goals

Eventually after I get my MSW, I would like to gain more experience in prison social work and support ex-felons or current felons with being rehabilitated back into society. Besides being a prison social worker, since I plan on living in or near Washington, D.C., I would like to become more involved in efforts to reform the current criminal justice system through lobbying and other means. 


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