I conducted a basic content analysis for the 25 episodes selected for my sample. In doing so, I qualitatively noted the differences in the “before” and “after” clips or pictures of before and after the transformation took place. I also used both a quantitative and a qualitative approach in analyzing the language used by the contestants, trainers, and plastic surgeons, as well as other people on the show such as friends and family in order to understand how people perceive their own or someone else’s transformation. I noted how weight, weight loss, and cosmetic surgery are viewed, whether it be in a positive or negative light and how it either reinforces or contradicts current beauty ideals. Also through using a qualitative approach to code for the motivations for those who had undergone weight loss or cosmetic surgery, I was able to gain a more thorough understanding of the reasons why people might choose to undergo these transformations and whether it is more focused on appearance and beauty or on health and fitness.

Sampling Method

For my sampling method, I studied a convenience sample of two weight-centered reality TV shows (My 600LB Life and The Biggest Loser) and two cosmetic surgery reality TV shows (Skin Decision: Before and After and Botched). I chose these specific shows because they are the most convenient and I had the most access to them through streaming platforms. For My 600LB Life, I was able to stream it on Discovery Plus. For The Biggest Loser, I was able to rent episodes from Amazon. For Skin Decision: Before and After, I was able to stream it on Netflix. Finally, for Botched, I was able to stream it on Peacock. I chose these shows because they are all fairly popular shows that have stirred up much social commentary. While there were other shows I wanted to include like The Swan or Extreme Makeover, they have become highly controversial and I was largely unable to find them online. 

I watched 6 episodes of each show, but for The Biggest Loser, I watched 7 episodes since it has been the longest-running show. I randomly selected 6 episodes of My 600LB Life, Skin Decision: Before and After, and Botched using a random number generator with any episode from the shows having a chance to be selected. If a show did not include women in the episode that was randomly selected, I kept generating new numbers until I found one that did. For The Biggest Loser, there is usually a dramatic reveal as to the results of weight loss as well as several glimpses back on the season during the season finale of each season, so I randomly selected 7 season finales out of 17 total season finales of the show in order to get a better understanding of the transformation that took place.


For the coding aspect of the episodes, I decided to use both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. I counted the number of times that words relating to beauty and appearance (‘beautiful,’ ‘attractive,’ ‘sexy,’ etc.) as well as words related to fatness (‘fat,’ ‘overweight,’ ‘obese,’ ‘plus size,’ etc.) appeared throughout the episodes. I also coded for contestant, trainer, cosmetic surgeon, and friends/family behaviors and emotional responses in order to see if there were any general trends. As for the qualitative coding, I focused on the ways in which beauty was believed to be attained. I measured this through contestant motivations for weight loss or cosmetic surgery as well as overarching beliefs in the shows about how beauty is achieved.