Basic content analysis

Beginning with basic content analysis, I was able to fully analyze the portrayal of wrestlers of colour from a producer standpoint as well as how the wrestlers themselves would see themselves. In this way I was able to fully format themes for the research such as their attire, their win/loss records, and the way that white identifying wrestlers would treat these wrestlers of colour.

Quantitative data and coding

The quantitative data portion of the research involved creating a code sheet for the wrestlers and recording the times that each wrestler of colour would wear a flag representing their place of origin or their culture. Along with that I also counted the times that the wrestler’s would be called derogatory terms and/or used derogatory terms to other wrestlers. In addition I coded for the times that each wrestler won a match or ended a promo or if they were perceived positively or negatively from the fans. Finally, I coded for each wrestler’s success on whether they achieved the highest degree in their company in being in the main event or becoming the world champion in their respective companies.

Qualitative data and coding

The qualitative data portion of my research I found that coding for their specific physical features was best, looking at each wrestler’s hairstyle/facial hair allowed me to see if that was part of their cultural background or part of their gimmick. I was also focused on coding for their attire as well, seeing what each wrestler wore again to see how if that part was exaggerated to fit a stereotype. I finally coded for what the white wrestler was specifically saying to the set of wrestlers and if any blatant racial slurs were used in promos or mocking culturing with movements in matches.