‘About the Author’

My name is Tess Kasunic. I am a senior who will be graduating from Gettysburg College this spring with a major in Sociology. This site represents my capstone research project about the effects of the American with Disabilities Act on portrayals of people with disabilities throughout the years of 1960-2020.

I have grown up with an older sister who has an intellectual disability, and have always been interested in the way people like my sister are portrayed in film. I remember seeing my first movie which included someone who had a disability at 8 years old, and being shocked at how inaccurately he was being portrayed throughout the film. I wanted to know if the American with Disabilities Act has had any influence on how these people are being portrayed. Additionally, I am looking to get a job as a consultant at a local organization (SEEC) which provides a wide range of community supports to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live the lives of their choosing.

Short Term Goals

My most important short term goal for the moment is to secure a job. I am looking at various consulting companies (outside of SEEC) and am hoping to hear back in a couple weeks. Throughout this project I have learned how to apply statistical principles to sociological research, and through consulting I will be able to apply these skills by developing various metrics to measure business and user cultures. I believe that consulting will allow me to better develop my problem solving, leadership, and communicating skills which is important  to have in any future job I may have along the way.

Long Term Goals

Looking forward, although I still do not know exactly what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, my long term goal is to obtain a permanent job and become financially stable. I know that I want to be working at a job which helps other people, such as working with people who have disabilities. I want to be able to make a true impact on other people’s lives. My liberal arts education at Gettysburg College has allowed me to think outside of the box and know that there are no limits as to what I can achieve down the road.
