American with Disabilities Act (CC0 Public Domain)

As Blanck (2019) states, America has been better off since the Americans with Disabilities Act was created. It has caused many changes in the way the public views people with disabilities, and “disability” is now seen to be a natural part of human life rather than to be “cured or pitied”. Mazumdar and Geis (2010) agree, and discuss how important laws and regulations have been to achieve desired results. However, with any law, come loopholes. Mazumdar and Geis (2010) discuss how oftentimes designers and planners only do the minimum they are required to which has not allowed for complete access for people with disabilities. It is important that people are aware how this can negatively affect people with disabilities lives. It is critical that the requirements of the law are clear so that planners and designers cannot find loopholes (2010). Although the ADA is very important in many ways, we must note the problems occurring that are still affecting people with disabilities today.