One aspect that is particularly interesting and important to my research is the sports world that exists within social media, specifically how fans of sports utilize these platforms. A literature review conducted by Matang (2023) found that social media serves as a means for fans to express their fandom but also their identities in relation to the sports world. This is similar to what I will be looking for within my content, particularly how gender norms and their own identities relate to the sports being portrayed. The study found many examples of discriminatory fandom in which fans make problematic comments about race. In another study on social media Sylvia (2021) looked into a reality TV show, “The Circle USA”, where contestants used their own social media savvy to generate a following. In this analysis, she hoped to get a better understanding of how people act on social media, how people attempt to portray themselves online and how this affects the way people view themselves and others.

The Fan, Alvaro, Flickr, licensed under (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The use of symbolic interactionism throughout the review was important as it provided meaning for the construction of one’s identity on social media and the communication that happens there. Symbolic interactionism alludes to humans’ use of shared language and the symbols or meaning of such within communication. The theory of symbolic interactionism continues to evolve as the digital world grows. Carter and Fuller (2016) reinforce this idea stating, “ If there ever was a time when technological innovations have redefined the manner in which interactions and shared meaning occur, it is now”(Carter and Fuller 2016). Shared meaning has evolved from something that only happens within interpersonal interaction, and can now be seen online. An idea that will provide this content analysis with greater significance and generalization.