Happy Columbus Day, America! Picture by oriana.italy. Flickr.

This picture shows Christopher Columbus finding America and holding a flag in the air. He is surrounded by European white men. In the background, there is a small group of Native Americans trying to defend their land.

Harriet Tubman, full length portrait, standing with hands on back of a chair. Picture by Lindsey H.B. Library of Congress.

This is a portrait of Harriet Tubman which the years that she was alive, 1823-1913. It also describes the work that she did being a nurse, spy, and scout during slavery. In the photo she is wearing very feminine attire but she has a straight face.

Rosa Parks on a Bus. Picture by J4p4n. Open Clip Art.

This photograph shows Rosa Parks on a bus sitting towards the front with a white man sitting behind him. In the photo she was looking out of the window again wearing very feminine attire.