Music in the advertisement plays a big role on the interpretation of the mood/feeling given off throughout the duration of the advertisements. It was found that 16 out of the 25 ads researched had presented an uplifting/feel good vibe to the music used in their advertisement. Based on the musical instruments used, the speed and rate at which they were played had given off different sounds that would interpret either a happy/uplifting song, or a sad/downbeat upsetting song which helps the audience understand the implications of the illness and the ultimate fate which comes along with the illness despite the medicine being advertised. A Piano would often represent sad music more so, when compared to the guitar/drums which would promote more positive, cheerful music. The music in the advertisement has the ability of applying the mood of the music to the mood of the audience viewing the advertisement, potentially helping them become more immersed in the advertisement itself.  Music has the ability of making someone feel happy or give them the opposite of the feeling they were originally hoping to have. The consistency of the music in the advertisement correlates with the consistency of the overall emotion in the advertisement as a whole.

Song sounds similar to ‘Magic‘ by Pilot