When understanding the inclusion of caregivers and loved ones, the inclusion of these specific types of individuals can contribute to the acknowledgement of happiness amongst the characters represented throughout the advertisements. Caregivers had included loved ones, as well as daughters, sons, grandchildren, neighbors, and ultimately doctors. Caregivers were represented in the advertisements, 23 out of the 25 advertisements analyzed. The individuals contribute to the feeling of being loved, comforted, and ultimately happiness, which is represented greatly throughout the majority of advertisements. It is important for many people who are viewing the advertisement to feel assured that their family will help support them with their journey of consuming the advertised drug and being with them every step of the way with their illness, helps contribute to the sense of happiness amongst that individual. The caregivers/loved ones, also play the role of potentially influencing the drug being advertised on to their loved ones, in order to support them with their health and make a difference in their lifestyle overall. The caregivers tend to be younger individuals who look to ultimately benefit their older counterparts’ health. 

Camping‘ by Imbruvica

It can be found that majority of the data collected correlates with how I had originally thought the narrative of the topic and research question would be interpreted as in reality. Much of the data would show how the happiness plays on different ages, with the frequency of age groups being represented, as well as similar methods the advertisements use in order to depict patterns in their own various ways as well.

In this together moment‘ by Ibrance