Research Methods

The units of analysis for my primary research includes a sample of 25 pharmaceutical commercials from the years 2016- 2022 acquired from an advertisement data base called The sample for this study included medical commercials featuring a variety of pharmaceutical brands and illness types. A content analysis of the medical advertisements examines how each commercial portrays happiness through the use of visuals such as color, setting, a character’s facial expressions, and audio such as music and narration. I also looked at the age of the individuals in the commercials and correlated it with the type of the disease the featured medication was supporting.


The primary sampling methods of my research involved a random selection of five different advertisements associated with a random selection of 5 different types of illnesses associated with the advertised drug.

After accessing the data base, I was able to find information associated with the advertisements, including taglines, screenshots of the ad, the date the ad was published, and any specific details of the actors or characters in the advertisement. From there, I was able to watch and listen to each advertisement, documenting notable findings associated with either my quantitative or qualitative code sheets. I focused a lot of my attention on the different symbols that represent happiness as well as the representation of elderly individuals.

Qualitative Content Analysis Methods

I used interpretive content analysis to conduct my coding observations from the medical advertisements. Taking a deeper look at the content involved interpreting how the characters in the commercial interact with each other, and analyzing the details of the setting, music and visuals. Perceiving the emotions of each character through facial expressions and body language identified how each theme is displayed in the commercial.

Qualitative Coding:

Drug Type
Age of Participants
Length of Advertisements
Use of Music
Use of Narration
Use of text in the screen
Weather Shown
Presence of Fear/Concern
Target audience
Race of character(s)
Peer influence
Brightness of Colors
Mention of Holidays
Use of Cultural references
Family roles/Work roles
Hair color
Use of assisted device
Mental Ability/Acuity
Work Role
Tone of Music
Transformation of Character
Activities partaken
Attitudes towards the product
Tone of the language used
signs of peer influence of the drug
Types of logos/brand imagery
Display Drug
Location of advertisement
Diversity of individudals/Group
Tagline used
Illness type
Desire for drug

Quantitative Content Analysis Methods

I performed my quantitative coding by marking down the number of times a theme from the code sheet occurred in the commercial. By analyzing which factors occured the most, I was able to discover a variety of patterns and frequencies within the data.

Quantitative Coding:

General Information
Brand being promoted
Moving images
Age of Participants
Length of Advertisements
Use of Music
Use of Narration
Use of text on the screen
Presence of Fear
Presence of hospital
Seasonality/Current Events referenced
Expressions of Love
Presence of Relationships
Presence of Physical activity/active lifestyle
Presence of eating/family dinner
Presence of Doctor
Mention of Holidays
Presence of Cultural references
Mention of Trusted
Mention of FDA-Approved
Mention of Safety
Mention of Natural
Mention of Side effects
Mention of illness
Mention of prescription
Mention of OTC
Mention of age requirements
Mention of active ingredients or components
Use of encouragement (“Call now” or “visit website”)
Mention of what not to take/do when on the drug
Mention of product benefits/Purpose
Mention of quality of life
Mention of not being themselves prior to drug
Use of logos/Brand imagery
Display of phone #
Displays Drug
Presence of house pets
Presence Outdoors
Use of emotional words/phrases
Diversity of individudals/Group
Use of a tagline
Consult Doctor prior to usage
Presence of Grandchildren
Mobility issues
Teeth loss
Social Support
Presence of Caregiver
Actor over the age of 65
Presence of Gray hair