When looking at a conceptual theme consistently represented throughout the advertisements, analyzed is the age of the audience that is being represented throughout the advertisements. After conducting my quantitative and qualitative data, I had found that there is a higher frequency of elderly adults who range from 65 and up, who often tend to be represented in the advertisements. The high frequency of this age group’s representation gives off the idea that these drugs being advertised are designed to be marketed specifically for this age group. This may potentially be due to the fact that the elderly population tends to be more easily convinced through the media and what they see and hear compared to the reality of what they truly know. When looking at different statistics formed through the quantitative and qualitative data, in which the majority of ads analyzed had included adults around the age of 60 or older. When comparing age groups and different illness types though, there was an inconsistent pattern of age. Elderly adults had been more represented in advertisements for drugs that looked to help Alzheimer’s and Cancer, when compared to the other illness categories of Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular/Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes had often represented younger audiences in their advertisements when compared to the other illness types. The individuals in these advertisements. The mood of the advertisements including the audiences that were associated with Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular/Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes were often more cheerful, exciting, and happy throughout their advertisements, when compared to Alzheimer’s and cancer.  Presenting an older individual in these advertisements allow for the older audience to see the ads and think that they can relate because they see somebody relative to their age who has used the drug and has seen an improvement in their own lifestyle. Despite the characters in these ads being actors, it can be related that the pharmaceutical companies making these ads figure that the older population becomes more delusional on what is reality, and what is fake on television. By making these ads for them, they will more than likely believe that the ad is real and that the actors in the ad are real people. In relation to the frequency of the representation of happiness in the advertisements, is including different family members throughout the advertisements. Family has the ability of representing happiness, as many people find happiness being with their family/loved ones. Majority of the advertisements depict a family of some kind who help support the older individual in the advertisements and providing happiness in that persons’ life when taking the advertised drug. Motivation/Determination represented frequent throughout the advertisements, with many of the characters in the ad describing how they are getting their life back on track and are looking to improve every day despite their illness. Depicting motivation by characters in the advertisement can show the audience that once they are better from the consumption of the advertised drug, they will feel more focused, motivated, and determined to improve their lives, which ultimately correlates with happiness in an individual’s life. Throughout the many common patterns, it can be likely be concluded that pharmaceutical companies who make these medical advertisements look to target people for their drug, who are looking for happiness, improvement, and change in their lives. People need to have someone show or tell them that there is hope and that life can get better, no matter what issue they are dealing with.

Beat Goes on: roadtrip‘ by Entresto