My name is Ryan Monaco, I am a current undergraduate senior studying Sociology and Business at Gettysburg College. I anticipate graduating in May 2024. After college, I look to enjoy time at home with family, while applying for marketing-based occupations and enjoying the summer, hoping to land a job offer that will start by the fall of 2024. I look forward to traveling more inside and outside the United States. If my goal of working in marketing doesn’t work, I then will likely look into working in sales like my father, Vice President of Sales and Logistics at the company where he is employed. One of my first goals out of school is to become employed while living at home and work on paying back my student loans as soon as I’m able to. Another goal of mine is to save up enough money to hold me over to begin a downpayment for future rent money, wherever I end up employed, or if I end up moving into an apartment with my friends from college. I am looking to keep my options open after college, in case I am disappointed and not satisfied with the situation I am put in when employed. 

A long-term goal that I feel is important, which I haven’t been able to put as much time and energy into while in college, is volunteering for my local community or any communities in need of help. Before Gettysburg, I was very involved with service and volunteering at my high school and church, including food drives, clothing drives, soup kitchens, community clean-ups, projects to help rebuild houses, and overall assistance to those who need someone else’s help. Helping people in life brings happiness to yourself and those you help. Life isn’t only about how much money you make, it is more about how many lives you can positively impact.