My name is Wesley Morgan, and I am currently a senior at Gettysburg College. I am a Sociology Major and Data Science minor, graduating in May of 2023. This website displays and analyzes my sociology capstone project on the shifting gender representations in video game trailers, across genres.

Short-Term Goals

A short-term professional goal of mine is experience the behind the scenes of the Video Game industry. As displayed in this website, video games are a passion of mine. I hope to gain experience in the field by starting a game developing studio, in which I can come to understand the inner workings of the industry. Another short-term goal of mine would be to travel the world. I have always been passionate about learning the differences between cultures, and doing so could impact the way in which I view the world.

Long-Term Goals

A long-term professional goal of mine is to have a job that requires creativity, and allows me to think outside of the typical constraints in a work environment. Society has left many unhappy in the jobs that they posses, and finding work in a field that one is passionate about can make all the difference. Additionally, having a job that allows freedom to think creatively can provide a challenge in life that is needed to continuing striving. Finally, the main long-term goal I have is to have an impact on someone’s life through social change. Whether this be through a video game, or small interactions. I hope that I can provide positivity through my professional and personal career.