Literature Review

The analysis of both cultivation theory and research surrounding gender stereotypes will provide the ability to analyze video games and the gender stereotypes they present. The goal of this review is to provide context and understanding to the importance and relevance of this research. The combination of similar studies, and a theoretical baseline will establish the backbone of this research project. 

Cultivation in media

In order to properly understand the impact video games have on the people who play them a dive into cultivation theory is necessary. Cultivation theory explains how media is able to influence the people who use it over the course of time, shaping their views on the world (Gerbner 1998). Gerbner, specifically focusing on television, was able to analyze messages and overarching patterns present within media outlets. By looking at images, portrayals, and values of characters represented in television, Gerber displays ways in which these can be examined. Cultivation theory was first introduced as a tool to understand violence in television, and its impacts on the viewers (Shanahan et al 1999). There are many instances in which this theory is applicable to studies. Behm-Morawitz and Ta (2014) demonstrated the impacts of video games on racial and ethnic stereotypes. Another study was able to decipher masculine roles and norms present in media used by adolescents (Scharrer and Warren 2022). Specifically, how the Cultivation theory has been applied to many forms of media, and video games is now a new sector that many researchers have taken interest in. Television and media can make viewers have invalid or unrealistic views on society (Morgan and Shanahan 2010). Based on this information, video games would have the same results as television when it comes to the use of cultivation theory. Understanding the underlying messages within video games takes use of this process, and is able to infer what may come as a result. One study was able to find that there is a presence of negative female stereotyping in video games, but the target audience of these games desired improvements (Kondrat 2015). Another study found that the realism of the game impacted the players’ aggression, based on the quality of game they were playing (Ivory and Kalyanaraman 2007)

These examples of previous research suggest that the use of cultivation theory in this study is a strong asset. The use of cultivation theory can provide the ability to understand if the characters in these video games do have the ability to impact the players who control them. 

Feminist theory

Western societies often view gender as an integral aspect of a person’s identity. There has been a drastic change in the social status of women over the past half century. The process of gender is to create a separation between men and women (West and Zimmerman 1987). Mead (1934) points out that the world we live in is created based on the collective ideologies of a society, and people learn their roles from interaction with others. This implies that people understand how to act in the world around them based on the ways people act around them. The norms and roles in society have shaped the way men and women act (Eagly 1987). Specifically, the cultural ideas of a society will pave the way for individuals to act. Gender stereotypes are beliefs about men and women about the role that they play in society (Eagly 1987). Despite improvements in gender equality, the presence of these concepts are still present in today’s society. 

Video games are a modern form of media that has the ability to express feminist theory concerns and solutions. Prior research on concerns about gender roles and stereotypes has allowed understanding of these problems within society. One study was able to find an instance of these interactions, When studying both boys and girls children toys, the toys had been either hyper-masucline or feminine (Lynch et al. 2016). This is one of many instances of feminist theory being examined through studies.

Gender in video games


For both men and women, video games have become a popular form of media. From the ages 18 to 29, 48% of women play video games (Pew Research Center 2015). However, video games do not stray from the norm when it comes to the inclusion of gender stereotypes. In one of the most popular female led video games of all time, Tomb Raider, Lara had significant results for the representation of women in video games, however, still showed signs of oversexualization (Jansz and Raynel 2007). Female characters shown in video games at a lower rate than males are (Beasely and Standley 2002), and when the characters are shown, they are often represented in an oversexualized way (Behm-Morawitz 2014). One study looked at over 500 games, and found a positive relationship between women being sexualized and they’re physical capabilities. This implies that women who were depicted as gender steretypes had been oversexualized throughout these games. 

Gender has long been a controversy in the media, and video games continue the trend. Martin and Williams (2009) found that the two of the most underrepresented groups in video games are non-white groups, and females. Another study was conducted by the same researchers and dataset finding that women are shown to be thinner in both adult and childrens games (Martin Williams 2009). Video games and genre has been a topic of controversy for many years, and as proved above, there is much research to back up those statements. 

Genre and Games

Genre can be a capable factor for determining the gender stereotypes within a game. One study done on the indie game genre found that the games within this category tend to represent women with a ‘multi-layered’ personality, as well as humanized within these games (Perreault et al. 2021). Pow (2020) was able to discover that games in which the story was less concrete and showed more creative aspects, there was less discrimination of gender, race and sexuality. These are not the only video games that experience specific influence on video game players. Violent video games have shown an impact on the view of masculinity towards both men and women who play (Blackburn and Scharrer 2019). A final study focused on the impact of video games on 

academic success, and found that video games can be beneficial, but it depends on the genre and type (Dindar 2018). According to the research above, the genre of a video game can determine the influence on the person playing those games, and how gender stereotypes are presented. 

Children’s games

Based on previous research, children are more susceptible to media influence than adults. Children learn their roles based on the actions of others around them (Mead 1934). This is not only present in real life, but in video games as well. Boxer and Docherty (2015) found that there is a positive correlation between children playing violent video games and negative developmental outcomes. This implies that people should be aware of the effects these games can have on children. The theme of children’s games showing gender stereotypes is also present in a study of 150 of the top selling games, in which the female bodies were examined .This study showed that women were systematically thinner in children’s games than adult games(Martins and Harrison 2009). Children’s games are often studied due to children’s ability to mimic gender stereotypes and roles.