
The sampling frame that I will be looking at is video game trailers based on the top rated video games of all time. The list which these will be chosen from is the most recent 2022 IGN top 100 rated list. I will examine the gender stereotypes present in these video game trailers according to their actions, language, and physical attributes presented. Each game will be placed in their respective categories, of horror, survival, strategy, sandbox, and puzzle,  based on the category the game is placed in on the virtual video game distributor, STEAM.  The sampling method I will be using is purposive sampling in order to determine the best games to fit the research. I chose this method due to the fact that there is very specific criteria for the trailers that will be examined during the study. This criteria includes the need for the characters of the games to be humans, as well as the popularity of the games to be within the top 100. I will be finding these trailers and collecting them to fit my database. By looking at several different games in several different genres I should be able to gather enough information to analyze the gender stereotypes presented within these games. 

Qualitative and Quantitative

The first step of my data collection process is to create a basic content analysis of 25 video game trailers samples. I plan on noting the key gender stereotypes present within the video game trailers. This will begin with a collection of theoretical framework to build my research off of. I then will use a quantitative approach of counting the number of women who are lead characters in these games. This will provide insight into the representation of women in these games. I will also note how many women characters are oversexualized within the trailers. The qualitative approach I will be using accounts for many features within the trailers. I plan on specifically looking at the The process  will contain  marking down language characteristics, physical attributes, and actions of the characters gender stereotypes they portray. This will provide a thorough description of the mannerisms to which are associated with gender stereotypes. Unlike many content analysis, I will not be looking at text, but the characteristics of the men and women who are portrayed in these video games.