Hurricane Maria: Vulnerability Recovery and Gentrification

The analysis of news coverage of Hurricane Maria’s impact on Puerto Rico reveals significant differences in the portrayal of the devastation between liberal and conservative sources. Across the political spectrum, some articles acknowledge the extensive damage inflicted upon the island, while others positioned the island as an economic haven further exacerbating the issue of gentrification. Liberal articles predominantly underscored humanitarian concerns, with 88% focusing on issues such as the lack of power, clean water, food, and shelter, hindering normal life for residents.

Hurracane Maria Images by U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos from Flickr. CC0 1.0

These sources attributed to the heightened humanitarian crisis to insufficient government funds, citing it as the main driver. One article notes that following Hurricane Maria, efforts were made to enhance Puerto Rico’s resilience against future climate events. These efforts included allocating $28 billion in FEMA funding, of which only 5% was disbursed and spent (Ramirez 2022) Additionally, environmental concerns garnered attention in 32% of liberal articles, reflecting a multifaceted approach to understanding the aftermath of the hurricane.

This chart shows the frequency of word usage related to Environmental Impact of natural disasters.

In contrast, conservative articles exhibited less emphasis on humanitarian and environmental concerns. Instead, these sources disproportionately highlighted the economic benefits of Puerto Rico, particularly post-Hurricane Maria. Forty-four percent of conservative articles touted the island’s economic prosperity, often framing it as a lucrative tax haven. These narratives aimed to attract investors and promote the island’s economic potential, overshadowing discussions of the humanitarian crisis.

A bar chart illustrating the thematic emphasis in conservative and liberal articles on Puerto Rico, showcasing the varying percentages addressing humanitarian concerns, environmental concerns, and economic benefits.

The disparity in coverage between liberal and conservative sources underscores divergent priorities and narratives surrounding Hurricane Maria’s aftermath. While liberal outlets foregrounded the urgent need for humanitarian aid and environmental protection, conservative sources prioritized economic interests and downplayed the extent of the crisis. Consequently, the lack of adequate government funding and the palpable humanitarian concern on the island have contributed to a heightened sense of gentrification. As economic opportunities are spotlighted and environmental and humanitarian challenges are marginalized, the socioeconomic landscape of Puerto Rico is shaped by complex and often divergent narratives.