Results & Discussion

The analysis of news coverage regarding Puerto Rico and its experience with gentrification reveals significant insights into the interplay between political ideology, narrative framing, and empathetic engagement with affected communities. Despite ideological differences, both liberal and conservative sources predominantly depict Puerto Rico and its residents in a negative light, emphasizing themes of poverty, under-resourcing, and constant need. However, the narrative framing differs significantly between liberal and conservative perspectives, with conservative articles often adopting a critical tone and lacking empathetic engagement, while liberal sources feature more empathetic approaches, highlighting the human dimension of gentrification. The role of visual imagery is pivotal, with liberal sources evoking emotions of despair through depictions of struggle post-natural disasters, while conservative sources promote an enticing image of Puerto Rico as a relocation destination through images of luxury. Furthermore, differences in coverage of Hurricane Maria highlight divergent priorities, with liberals focusing on humanitarian concerns and conservatives emphasizing economic benefits, underscoring the complexity of media representation in shaping perceptions of gentrification.