It's not the Taste, It's the Texture


Eating insects, also referred to as entomophagy, provides a rich source of protein, nutrients, and is a more sustainable option compared to large livestock (Van der Weele 2019). Although sustainable and nutritious, people living in the United States and Europe have an aversion to eating insects. Throughout the website the term “Western” will be referenced to mean European or North America origin, while non-Western would be identities from Asia, Africa, and South America.  In Western cultures, insects are typically considered pests and unclean, whereas some cuisines in Africa, Asia, and Latin America incorporate insects as a food source. Insects are also used in non-food products, such as medications in Europe and the United States, but are not discussed openly due to the negative perspectives of most residents towards insects (Svanberg and Berggren 2021).

“Food For Thought.” Insect Atlas. Flickr. CC BY-SA 2.0