It's not the Taste, It's the Texture


Youtube Comments Sampling 

In my preliminary research, initially I planned on collecting the first twenty five comments on Youtube videos, however I needed to lower that number to the amount that was left on the video up to fifteen due to what was available. Many of the Youtube videos do not have comments or the comments are not relevant to my research. Non-relevant comments would simply be showing their support of the content creator rather than comments on the video itself. 

Youtube Video Sampling 

Before beginning my research, I cleared my search history and cookies from my computer, so my results would not be influenced by my individual algorithm. I searched for Youtube travel video blogs by searching for key words such as “travel” and “eating insects” or “travel” and “eating bugs.” Additionally, I would search within time frames, such as “travel” “insects” and “2010,” along with specific locations. I repeated this search method with different variations until the video results began repeating. I would save each video in a private folder on Youtube, so I could go back and make additional observations on the videos.  In my preliminary research, I collected all Youtube travel video blogs that I could find, in total 111 videos, but later narrowed it down to videos with 500+ views. The reason I lowered the number of views to 500+ rather than 1000+ views is due to the fact that some of the older Youtube videos did not have as much engagement but still could be a relevant data source. At the end of my collection process I was left with 60 videos to analyze, ranging from .16 seconds to 25 minutes in length.