Bibliography and Sources

Academic Sources

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Data Sources

  1. 2000 GMC Sierra & Yukon Commercials 
  2. 2000 General Motors (GM) Commercial – January 2000 
  3. 2000 GM Credit Card Commercial
  5. GM’s Bankruptcy Commercial (Reinvention – 2009) 
  6. 2000 Chevrolet Silverado “Like a Rock” Commercial
  7. 2010 Camaro SS Commercial
  8. 2000 Chevy Impala Car Commercial
  9. 2000 Buick LeSabre commercial
  10. 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier – American Pie – Commercial 
  11. GM Generation E Advertising Campaign
  12. Executive Stress | Scream It Out | General Motors
  13. Will Ferrell Super Bowl Ad – General Motors [2021]
  14. Edward Scissorhands – Cadillac Super Bowl Commercial – Edgar Scissorhands – Timothée Chalamet
  15. “Quadruple Take” | Buick Envision Commercial | Buick 
  16. Chevy Silverado ‘Walter The Cat’ Ad Nominated For 2022 Emmy Award: Video
  17. Chevy EVs Are For Everyone In New Ad: Video
  18. Mrs. Hayes Chevy Ad Pulls At The Heartstrings: Video
  19. 2020 CHEVROLET BOLT EV (Electric Car): Commercial Ad TVC Iklan TV CF – United States 
  20. Chevy Commercial (2022) | Chevrolet 
  21. 2000 Ford Pickup Truck Ads- Welcome To Ford Country – Built Ford Tough
  22. 2004 Ford Mustang Commercial
  26. Ford Explorer x Kellee Edwards Commercial
  27. The All-New 2024 Ford Mustang®️: A Wake-Up Call | Ford
  28. The Beauty of Change | All New Ford Focus | Peoples Ford
  29. 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500 Commercial Trailer
  30. The All-New Ford Focus