My name is Téa Simon, and I am currently a senior at Gettysburg College. I am a Sociology major and Business minor, graduating in December 2022. This site explores and analyzes my capstone research on the emergence of equality in portrayals of women on television.

Career Goals

My short term professional goals are to hopefully get a job in the film/production industry working as a production assistant for a news network. I am also interested in doing wok in the marketing/advertising industry, so I will be applying to jobs in that area as well. I am planning on moving to the Hoboken/NYC area, but am also open to travel. Once I get a job in either of these industries, I will continue to work my way up and take on any new opportunities that present themselves. 

My long term professional goals are similar, but I also have some goals that I am not yet sure I want to obtain. My current focus for my long term professional goal is to one day work as a production manager/coordinator/executive at a news network or any media outlet. However, being that I was originally a psychology major, I have always been interested in pursuing my MS or MA degree in psychology. If I do pursue that goal, it would be much later down the line because I am not sure that I want to commit to another four years of school. That being said, being a psychologist has been one of my dreams since I was a kid, so there is always the possibility that I will come back to that. Another future goal/dream of mine is to run a doggy day care or shelter with my mom, because I think we both love dogs more than people!