Throughout my content analysis of the portrayal of female characters in television shows from the 1970s-2020, it is evident that as societal norms and roles for women changed and evolved, so did the depiction of female characters in television. The results of my study show that over time, female character portrayals have moved away from the old, stereotypical perception of women, to a more empowering, equitable, and accurate depiction of women. As societal norms and expectations continue to change, I can surmise that the way television shows choose to portray their female characters will evolve accordingly. 

The goal of this research was not only to identify how female character portrayal has changed over time, but to acknowledge how adolescent viewers may interpret and be influenced by the characters that they see on television. It is important for television programs to be cautious and aware of how the messages they put out can affect the children that are viewing their shows.  Instead of displaying problematic/stereotypical portrayals of women, television shows should focus on creating empowered, intelligent, independent, and capable female characters to instill positive beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in their viewers.