For the purpose of my research project, I will be answering the question, what is the effect of stereotypical gender norms and roles on the gender representation of female adolescents in television shows from 1970 to 2022? My independent variable is going to be stereotypical gender norms and roles, and my dependent variable is gender representation of female adolescents in television shows from the 70s to 2022. When looking at stereotypical gender norms and roles, I will be looking at when females act as caregivers, subservient, feminine, etc., For the dependent variable of gender representation of female adolescents in television, I will be looking at how these stereotypes are portrayed in the depictions of female characters in each show. Additionally, I will be observing their behavior, language, and the way they dress (gender normative vs. not). I will define gender normative clothing for girls as the typical female attire (form fitting clothing, dresses/skirts, makeup, revealing clothing, etc.), and non gender normative as females who wear more loose fitting, baggy, stereotypical male clothing. Throughout my research, I hope to analyze the way that evolving societal and stereotypical gender norms affect the way female adolescents are depicted in television shows from the 1970s to 2022.