
For this project I will be analyzing 25 articles from left-wing, neutral, and right-wing news sources each.  I will utilize as the online source for my data in order to categorize the articles by political affiliation. I will adjust my search so it only provides me articles published during the Trump administration (January 2017 – January 2020), and I will organize those sources by relevance at the time. 

For my sampling method, I will be using a systematic random sampling approach. I will select every other article from the list of relevant news, ensuring that the selection process is systematic and random within the context of the most relevant articles at the time. This method will help me reduce bias and ensure that the sample is representative of the population. Additionally, it will allow me to find articles from a great variety of sources.

In the quantitative content analysis, I will focus on measuring the frequency of specific language, rhetoric, and portrayal of border violence in the selected news articles. The following variables will be quantitatively analyzed: First, I will count the number of times each news source uses politically charged language or rhetoric, such as “illegal immigrants” versus “undocumented migrants,” “border crisis” versus “border situation,” or “border security” versus “border militarization.” Second, I will count the number of times border violence is framed negatively, such as emphasizing crime rates, violence, or threats posed by migrants. Third, I will count the number of times border violence is framed positively, such as highlighting humanitarian efforts, positive contributions of migrants, or the need for compassion and understanding. Fourth, I will also count the number of times border violence is framed neutrally, without a clear positive or negative connotation. Fifth, I will count the number of times each news source includes political perspectives on border violence, such as statements from politicians, policymakers, or experts. Lastly, I will count the number of times each news source uses emotional appeals, such as personal stories, anecdotes, or appeals to empathy.

In the qualitative content analysis, I will focus on identifying and describing patterns, themes, and core ideas found in the selected news articles. The following qualitative approaches will be used: First, I will identify recurring themes and patterns in the language, rhetoric, and portrayal of border violence across the news articles. Themes may include “criminalization of migrants,” “humanitarian crisis,” “national security,” “economic impact,” and “human rights.” Second, I will analyze the narrative structure of the news articles, including the use of storytelling techniques, framing devices, and narrative arcs. This will help identify how border violence is framed and presented to the audience. Third, I will examine the language used in the news articles, including the use of metaphors, analogies, and linguistic devices. This will help identify underlying ideologies and discourses related to border violence. Fourth, I will consider the broader socio-political context in which the news articles were published, including the Trump administration’s policies and rhetoric on immigration and border security. This will help contextualize the framing of border violence within the larger political landscape. Lastly, I will interpret the findings of the quantitative and qualitative content analyses to draw conclusions about the effect of political bias on the framing of border violence among US news sources during the Trump administration.