Results and Discussion

Language and Terminology

Quantitative Findings: 

Left-leaning articles prominently use terms like “Humanitarian crisis/issue”, “Undocumented”, and “Asylum Seeker”. For instance, the term “Undocumented” appeared 56 times, emphasizing a focus on the human aspect and portraying immigrants in a more sympathetic light. Neutral articles use terms like “Migrants” and “Asylum Seekers”, with “Migrants” being the most frequently used term at 85 instances. Right-leaning articles predominantly employ terms such as “Illegal/Illegals”, “Migrants”, and “Aliens”, with “Illegal/Illegals” being the most recurrent at 73 times

Interpretive Findings: 

Left-leaning articles often depict immigrants as victims of circumstances, utilizing terminology that evokes empathy. The usage of terms like “Undocumented” and “Asylum Seeker” seeks to humanize immigrants, portraying them as individuals seeking refuge and a better life. For example, articles like “Family separation is back for migrants at the U.S./Mexican border, say advocates” by NBC News and “‘No human rights’: Mexico blocks migrant caravan headed north” by Aljazeera, both raise humanitarian concerns at the border and bring up violence from government officials as one of the causes. In contrast, right-leaning articles employ more critical and dehumanizing language with terms like “Illegal/Illegals” and “Aliens”, reinforcing a narrative that casts immigrants in a negative light and emphasizes the legal implications of their status. 

Focus of Narrative

Quantitative Findings: 

Left-leaning articles frequently cite government officials and individuals affected by border violence, where affected individuals were interviewed and quoted 23 times to gain their perspective. Neutral articles offer a balanced perspective, focusing on protests, health concerns for immigrants, and detailed policy descriptions. Right-leaning articles predominantly emphasize national security measures, border wall policies, and policy changes, especially during the Trump administration. Right-wing articles predominantly quote government officials from the Trump administration. 

Interpretive Findings: 

Left-leaning articles adopt a more empathetic approach, highlighting the plight of immigrants and criticizing governmental policies deemed responsible for border violence. They tend to challenge Trump’s administration’s narrative, and emphasize migrant’s vulnerability in the face of increasingly restrictive and punitive policies. For example, the article “Border crisis: US failure to respond to migration surge has created chaos” by The Guardian presents the issue as a humanitarian crisis, and critiques the government policies that led it there. Neutral articles strive for balance, and neutrality was very evident. They usually present a comprehensive view of the issue by discussing various aspects ranging from legal and policy implications to health concerns. Right-leaning articles, however, tend to prioritize national security and policy effectiveness, often adopting a critical stance towards immigrants and advocating for stricter border controls. This can be seen in articles like “Illegal immigrants exploit border wall construction to gain entry” by The Washington Times, “Crimes by Illegal Immigrants Widespread Across US” by The Daily Signal. However, while right-wing articles predominantly exhibited an aggressive tone towards immigration issues, a significant number also maintained a neutral stance. This neutrality might be indicative of a desire to dissociate from Trump-era policies or a reluctance to firmly take a stance on whether they agree or disagree with certain immigration measures.

Use of Multimedia Elements

Quantitative Findings: 

Left-leaning articles predominantly feature images of direct victims, affected children, and neutral observers. Neutral articles depict caravans, border patrol activities, immigrants in shelters, and border crossings. Right-leaning articles are more likely to feature images of perpetrators and weapons and such migrants being apprehended or border wall construction.

Interpretive Findings: 

Left-leaning articles utilize emotionally charged images to evoke empathy and understanding, aligning with their humanitarian focus. These images predominantly show children that live in poor conditions, and overcrowding in shelters, which leads to health issues. Neutral articles employ a mix of images that elicit various emotions, ranging from sympathy to fear. Interestingly, right-leaning articles that adopted an aggressive tone tended to avoid showcasing images of people at the border. Instead, they often featured pictures of the president, the structure of the border wall, or had no picture. This selective use of imagery suggests a potential reluctance to confront the human aspect of the issue directly, focusing instead on policy and political figures to frame the narrative in a manner that aligns with their ideological perspective.