Results & Discussion Introduction

Throughout the analysis of the sampling frame, several key themes arose in the process. With a focus on how athletic brands market gender representation through their Instagrams, the reinforcement of gender norms became apparent. With a focus on the clothing styles, colors of the clothing, activity being performed, and setting, there was a clear presence of stereotypes regarding gender. Out of all 28 posts, there were several plus-size models however only one was male out of the 12 male posts. This posed a serious problem in the industry as a lack of inclusion for male plus-size models encourages norms surrounding masculinity and stereotypical male ideals. Sexualization is common in advertising as it is used as a way to entice customers through the emphasis on body parts or seductive poses. The use of bodies to sell a product is a common tactic for brands however it can play into the gender norms associated with societal expectations. These three themes create the framework of this analysis and express the findings of the research.